What is Nanotechnology?
Have you heard of nanotechnology? Not the kind from sci-fi movies, but what one company calls “applied nanotechnology”, which is a fancy way of saying that you can now buy and use this stuff yourself. It’s a science that’s been getting quite a bit of press these days called superhydrophobic nano-coatings. Water repellent protective coatings made out of hundreds of millions of polymers 100 billionth of a meter in size, but according to Nanex, the makers of AquaShield superhydrophobic surfaces have existed in nature since the beginning of time. Their AquaShield waterproof coatings just copy the ability through nanotechnology. Abstract molecular nanostructure model So what does it do exactly? As you can see in this video below, the superhydrophobic coatings aren’t just water repellent, they make water run away from the surface, and not just water. AquaShield coatings will repel any water based fluid including wine and coffee. You would think that something like a water repel...